Yin-Yang project has found (total) / (fixed) bugs.
[Z3 bugs: 1199 (total) / 889 (fixed)]
[CVC4/5 bugs: 465 (total) / 354 (fixed)]
[Bugs in default mode (Z3): 709 (total) / 532 (fixed)]
[Bugs in default mode (CVC4/5): 243 (total) / 182 (fixed)]
[Soundness bugs (Z3): 386 (total) / 256 (fixed)]
[Soundness bugs (CVC4/5): 77 (total) / 68 (fixed)]
[Incompleteness bugs (Z3): 13 (total) / 8 (fixed)]
[Incompleteness bugs (CVC4/5): 18 (total) / 11 (fixed)]
Type-aware Operator Mutation (report links)
Generative Type-aware Mutation (report links)
Weakening and Strengthening (report links) Please follow us on Twitter

Tools & Publications

Validating SMT Solvers via Semantic Fusion.
[slides | abstract video | talk video]
Dominik Winterer*, Chengyu Zhang* and Zhendong Su In Proceedings of PLDI 2020, London, UK, June 2020.
PLDI Distinguished Paper Award
[slides | abstract video | talk video]
Dominik Winterer*, Chengyu Zhang* and Zhendong Su In Proceedings of PLDI 2020, London, UK, June 2020.
Both authors contributed equally to this work.

[2] On the Unusual Effectiveness of Type-aware Operator Mutations for Testing SMT Solvers.
[slides | abstract video | talk video]
Dominik Winterer*, Chengyu Zhang* and Zhendong Su In Proceedings of SPLASH/OOPSLA 2020, November 2020.
[slides | abstract video | talk video]
Dominik Winterer*, Chengyu Zhang* and Zhendong Su In Proceedings of SPLASH/OOPSLA 2020, November 2020.
* Both authors contributed equally to this work.
[3] Generative Type-Aware Mutation for Testing SMT Solvers.
[talk video]
Jiwon Park*, Dominik Winterer*, Chengyu Zhang and Zhendong Su In Proceedings of SPLASH/OOPSLA 2021, October 2021
[talk video]
Jiwon Park*, Dominik Winterer*, Chengyu Zhang and Zhendong Su In Proceedings of SPLASH/OOPSLA 2021, October 2021
Both authors contributed equally to this work.
[4] Finding and Understanding Incompleteness Bugs in SMT Solvers.
Mauro Bringolf, Dominik Winterer and Zhendong Su In Proceedings of ASE 2022, October 2022
Mauro Bringolf, Dominik Winterer and Zhendong Su In Proceedings of ASE 2022, October 2022
last modified: 2022.09.29